Natural Intelligence Group

Multi-Institutional Faculty Interdisciplinary Research Project Scheme (MFIRP2022)
No-Garland Neuroscience Meeting, IISER Trivandrum, 2024
Shruti Kinger of the group selected nationally to represent IIITD with her oral presentation.
Structural Brain features in Co-occurring Depression with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Annual Conference of Cognitive Science, IIT Kanpur, 2023
Shruti Kinger and Dr. Suhail Rafiq Mir represented the group and IIITD with their respective oral presentations .
Bangalore Meetup of the Cognitive Science Society Conference, Sydney 2023
Dolcy Dhar & Manasi Chaturvedi of the group presented the ongoing work on the neural correlates of higher order cognition
Anxiety biases detection of emotions from speech-in-noise
6th National Post-Doctoral Symposium
Dr. Suhail working as a Post-Doc in the group selected to present his ongoing work at NPDS
​Cognitive Science Research Initiative Grant - Dept. of Science & Technology, Govt. of India
Group Moderator receives a grant for fundamental research in decision neuroscience
Core Research Grant - Science and Engineering Research Board, Govt. of India
Group Moderator receives a grant for fundamental research in affective cognitive neuroscience
Anxiety impacts affect driven distribution of visual spatial attention
Anxiety conditions the affective modulation of high-level visual functions in Autism